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Exploring Pre-Service Teachers and Their Use of the Sport Education Model across Two Progressive Practicum Experiences During a Physical Education Teacher Education Program

Sligar, Laci M
Wallhead, Tristan L
Simonton, Kelly
Sport Education (SE) is a curriculum and instructional model designed to provide students authentic positive sport experiences within physical education (Siedentop, 1994). Despite an extensive body of knowledge demonstrating the efficacy of the model in delivering on student learning outcomes, there remains a dearth of research that has theoretically explored how pre-service teachers learn, interpret and deliver the model. Previous research using the lens of occupational socialization has shown learning to teach SE comes with feelings of satisfaction, but pre-service teachers need to be provided with ample opportunity to experience and practice the model (McMahon & MacPhail, 2007). The purpose of this study was to use the OS perspective to examine the reasons why specific features of SE were delivered during two progressive school-based practicum experiences.
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