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    Information Technology-Assisted Sport Pedagogy and Assessments: Achievements, Lessons Learnt, and Challenges to Overcome
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Ha, Amy Sau-ching
    Information technology has become an integral part of many people’s lives and is widely applied in many facets of education. For example, technological applications for activity measurement, such as the use of pedometers, heart rate monitors, or accelerometers, are common in physical education research. The ability to provide objective, accurate assessment of students’ physical activity is an important element in Quality Physical Education, a concept adopted by UNESCO, which highlights the role of school physical education in children’s overall well-being development. Nevertheless, similar digital tools are not frequently applied in frontline teaching. Further, unlike the measurement of physical activity quantity, technology-assisted teaching, and assessment tools for the measurement of movement quality are scarce. With motion capturing devices such as infrared depth cameras being very affordable, such technologies could be capitalized to capture and analyze movement skill performances. In this talk, I will share real-life examples of how technology application could be applied to school physical education (and beyond) and explain how these led to enhancements in teachers’ teaching effectiveness and students’ learning experiences in Hong Kong. Challenges faced and potential solutions at technological and implementation levels will be discussed. While some of the challenges have remained partially unresolved, and new obstacles could be expected in the future, the processes of navigating through these barriers have led to new ideas and opportunities, such as the use of artificial intelligence in movement quality assessment. The continuous advancement of technology and data analytical approaches will open doors to novel assessment approaches and methods to tackle research questions that were previously unachievable. By maintaining optimism and being open-minded to new opportunities, researchers and frontline teachers could work in tandem to further shift the field closer to the idealistic goal of delivering Quality Physical Education to all students across the globe.
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    Exercise-Induced Microbial Changes in Preventing Type 2 Diabetes
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Wang, Ru
    ABSTRACT: Exercise has long been applied for the prevention and management of diabetes. However, the global metabolic reshaping induced by exercise and its specific impact on the gut microbiota to produce these benefits have not been fully elucidated. The purpose of this study is to investigate how exercise-induced alterations in the gut microbiome can prevent diabetes and to re-evaluated the link between the microbiota and physical fitness within a cohort of Chinese athlete students cohort.
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    Mind, Body and Spirit: Holistic Development Supports Student-Athletes In Accessing Peak Performance
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Watson, Rachel; Boggs, Christine
    The International Nordic Ski Training and Coaching Program is a holistic scholar athlete development program at the University of Wyoming and in collaboration with the Shanghai University of Sport. The philosophy of the program centers on the belief that peak performance is reached only when student athletes integrate knowledge in physiology, technical and tactical approaches, general wellness, and psychological and philosophical pillars. Additionally, we contend that reaching peak performance requires that athletes are fully supported by coaches, support staff and governing bodies, all integrated into Nordic culture, and that scholar athletes are able to access healthy outdoor environments in which to train. This holistic curriculum is knit across the program, embedded in both classroom and experiential, place-based education. Three cohorts of scholar athletes have completed this program (N=29) and performance data show an average improvement of 35% over the course of only 8-months immersion. This performance trajectory would be equivalent to a 3000m running time dropping from 15 minutes to less than 10 minutes, or for a 20-year-old runner - a novice time to that of an elite 3000m runner.
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    How Sports Talents Are or Should Be Identified: The Development of the First Sport-Related Social Enterprice (PLACY) in Hong Kong
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Ming, Choi Siu
    The Physical Literacy Academy for Children and Youth (PLACY®) is the first sports-related social enterprise in Hong Kong SAR that provides a platform for the younger generation to assess their health conditions and increase awareness of the importance of sports in their lives. The business promotes the concept of sports for all and sports for life through early education on the importance of physical literacy. PLACY® also broadens the channel for sports talent identification (STI) and makes its programs more accessible to low-income families, thereby increasing the pool of potential elite athletes. Furthermore, PLACY® promotes social inclusion by providing assessments, consultations, and interventions tailored to different needs, including different anthropometric limitations, fitness abilities, and socio-economic statuses. The business also seeks sponsorships for individuals in need. Additionally, PLACY® aims to increase career opportunities for fitness professionals to become professional assessors and experienced consultants, further enhancing social inclusion. Due to the lack of standardized and comprehensive assessment of physical literacy, physical fitness, and sports talent identification for children and youth, a well-developed program and assessment are crucial to promoting a healthier lifestyle and excellence in sports performance. Schools and national sports associations prefer assessments to gauge the movement competency and fitness development of children and youth. Therefore, PLACY® provides physical literacy, physical fitness, and sports talent assessments, certifications, awards, rankings, and consultation and referral services for children and youth in Hong Kong. In the highly competitive sports training environment in Hong Kong, children and youth need support to understand their physical literacy and physical fitness levels so they can choose the sport that best suits them before entering an elite training system. Currently, there is a lack of structured and quality assessment and consultation programs in sports for children and youth in the market. Our services aim to fill this gap.
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    Exploring Pre-Service Teachers and Their Use of the Sport Education Model across Two Progressive Practicum Experiences During a Physical Education Teacher Education Program
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Sligar, Laci M; Wallhead, Tristan L; Simonton, Kelly
    Sport Education (SE) is a curriculum and instructional model designed to provide students authentic positive sport experiences within physical education (Siedentop, 1994). Despite an extensive body of knowledge demonstrating the efficacy of the model in delivering on student learning outcomes, there remains a dearth of research that has theoretically explored how pre-service teachers learn, interpret and deliver the model. Previous research using the lens of occupational socialization has shown learning to teach SE comes with feelings of satisfaction, but pre-service teachers need to be provided with ample opportunity to experience and practice the model (McMahon & MacPhail, 2007). The purpose of this study was to use the OS perspective to examine the reasons why specific features of SE were delivered during two progressive school-based practicum experiences.
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    The Effectiveness of Blood Flow Restriction Training for Post-Cast Removal Rehabilitation of Colles' Fracture
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Yang, Mingming; Liang, Bin; Wang, Dan
    Distal radius fractures, particularly Colles' type, are prevalent among individuals over 50 years old. The common treatment involves plaster cast application, but studies revealed the decreased grip and pinch strength, wrist range of motion (ROM) loss, muscle resilience, and persistent hand disability post-fracture. Low-load resistance training is a traditional post-cast removal rehabilitation method, but it may limit muscle hypertrophy due to fewer recruited type II fibers. Blood flow restriction (BFR) training, involving partial arterial inflow restriction during low-intensity strength training, emerges as a promising alternative, mimicking high-intensity effects. BFR is effective in promoting muscle recovery in various musculoskeletal injuries.
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    The Impact of a Middle School Mountain Biking Curriculum on Student Motivation in Physical Education and Participation in Extracurricular Biking Opportunities
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Wallhead, Tristan L; Simonton, Kelly L; Hartung, Cynthia
    To maximize student participation within school-based physical activity opportunities requires purposeful collaboration among teachers and other community professionals. Teachers using mountain biking in their physical education programs reported students showing interest in biking opportunities outside of physical education (Blevins, 2019). The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a mountain biking program on middle school students’ motivation in physical education and to participate in extracurricular biking opportunities. The trans-contextual model of motivation (TCM: Hagger et al, 2003) was used as a theoretical model to examine this relationship.
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    Physical Activity and Mental Health in College Students Before and During COVID-19
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Bai, Yang; Burns, Ryan; Ma, Conrad; Curl, Azilee; Hudziak, Jim; Copeland, William E
    The purpose of this study was to examine longitudinal physical activity (PA) before and during COVID-19 using device-based assessment in a sample of college students. The participants were a convenience sample of first-year college students from the Wellness Environment study. A daily survey was distributed to the participants every night on a study app measured three mental health outcomes of mood, anxiety, and stress for 16 weeks. Participants wore Apple Watches to monitor PA. A total of 167 participants completed at least 50% of daily surveys and 20 days of valid Apple Watch data, which resulted in 11,387 participant-days’ of observations. Changes in average daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and step counts were examined week-over-week from an 8-week period before COVID to an 8-week period during COVID using cluster-robust piecewise regression (16-weeks total). Linear mixed models examined the association between PA and mental health outcomes, while also examining the moderating influence of COVID phase.
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    The Impact of Online Review Characteristics and Traveler Involvement on Outdoor Travel Decision-Making Intention: An Empirical Analysis Based on Survey and Experimental Study
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Zhang, Yehan; Zhou, Xinyu
    To further explore the mechanism by which online reviews and traveler characteristics affect the willingness to make outdoor travel decisions under the normalization of the pandemic. This paper proposes research hypotheses based on the Technology Acceptance Model grounded in the stimulus-organism-response theory, online reviews from representative tourism platforms were collected as scenario samples, and a 2 x 2 mixed design experiment of online review valence (positive VS. negative) x online review category (viewing VS. participation) was designed. A total of 300 outdoor sports travelers were invited to participate in the experiment and survey. The empirical results show: 1) Online review valence is positively correlated with the decision-making intention for outdoor travel, and the impact of review type is not significant; in the interaction effect, when the review valence is positive, participatory reviews have a greater influence on consumers' positive decision-making intention for outdoor travel than viewing reviews; 2) Perceived usefulness has a mediating effect on the relationship between online review valence and decision-making intention, and negative reviews have a greater impact on travelers' perceived usefulness than positive reviews; 3) The category of reviews has a significant moderating effect on the valence and decision-making intention of online reviews, with participatory reviews showing a more pronounced effect; 4) Traveler involvement has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between online review valence and perceived usefulness, with a greater moderating effect on positive online reviews than negative reviews.
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    How Physical Literacy Affects Academic Performance: A Structural Equation Model Involving Physical Activity and Executive Function
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Ye, Zheng; Yan, Yuman; Pan, Haoran; Qian, Junwei; Sum, Raymond Kim Wai
    Although there is growing recognition of the importance of physical literacy on physical activity participation and health, few studies have examined its impact on academic performance, particularly among college students. To further understand the impact mechanism of physical literacy on academic performance, a double mediation model linking physical literacy and academic performance through physical activity and executive function was constructed. Methods: College students (N = 418) from China completed the Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument, International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form, Short Executive Function Scale and reported demographic information and average GPA. Then a partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) was constructed since the goal of the model is predicting key target constructs. Results: The model has good reliability, convergent and discriminant validity. Physical literacy and physical activity have positive effects on executive function (β = 0.302, p < 0.001; β = 0.152, p < 0.05). Executive function has positive effects on academic performance (β = 0.171, p < 0.05). Physical literacy has a positive impact on physical activity as well (β = 0.315, p < 0.001). The mediation effects of physical activity and executive function were then further demonstrated by multiple linear regression analysis. In addition, significant differences in multiple domains were found in gender, grade, major, and monthly disposable income. Conclusion: Physical literacy, physical activity and executive function are important roles that can positively affect academic performance. Physical activity and executive function are mediating roles between physical literacy and academic performance. This may explain the heterogeneity of findings in previous studies regarding the effects of physical activity on academic performance. More research could develop practical measures for college students to enhance their physical literacy and final realize the improvement of their academic performance.
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    A Review of Exercise Training Combined with VItamin D Supplementation Alleviates Muscle Atrophy
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Qin, Yihua
    Muscle atrophy is a disease characterized by a decrease in skeletal muscle mass and strength. In recent years, with the aggravation of population aging and the increase of type 2 diabetes, the incidence rate of muscle atrophy has increased year by year. The occurrence of muscle atrophy can be caused by various factors, such as nerve damage, chronic inflammation, metabolic disorders, etc., which seriously reduces the quality of life of the elderly population and chronic disease patients. As a fat soluble hormone, vitamin D not only plays a crucial role in maintaining bone health, but also plays an important role in regulating muscle function and improving muscle atrophy. After being activated by the liver and kidneys in the body, vitamin D binds to the vitamin D receptor (VDR) to regulate muscle protein synthesis and muscle cell energy metabolism. Research has found that patients with muscle atrophy often suffer from vitamin D deficiency and decreased VDR expression, which may be related to a decline in muscle function. In recent years, studies have shown that supplementing with vitamin D can improve muscle atrophy. Exercise training is considered a crucial intervention for improving muscle atrophy. Studies have found that exercise can upregulate the expression of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) in skeletal muscle, which may be a potential mechanism by which exercise ameliorates muscle atrophy. However, the underlying mechanisms through which exercise training combined with vitamin D supplementation may enhance the amelioration of muscle atrophy remain incompletely elucidated. Therefore, this article systematically reviews the literature on the effects of exercise training combined with vitamin D supplementation on muscle atrophy, particularly focusing on the elderly and patients with type 2 diabetes. This review aims to summarize the progress of research in this area and provide a reference for future studies.
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    Contextual Analysis: Harnessing Pitch Network for Integrated Soccer Performance Evaluation
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Zhou, Changjing; Huang, Kongyun
    Pitch passing networks, as a critical tool for studying team collaboration and on-field player interaction, have been increasingly utilized in sports science. This study employs Social Network Analysis (SNA) to delve deeper into the impact of situational factors—such as team quality, match outcomes, and match location—on the England Premier League (EPL) pitch passing networks. The use of SNA is motivated by its ability to reveal the intricate patterns of player interactions and tactical execution within a team, offering a nuanced perspective on collective behavior that can inform strategic decisions. The soccer pitch was divided into 49 zones using a 7x7 grid, with each zone identified by an "x-y" coordinate system that designates the lateral and depth positions on the field. Centrality measures, including degree, closeness, and betweenness centrality, were calculated to determine the strategic importance of each zone within the passing network. Statistical tests were utilized to assess the significance of differences in these measures across various match scenarios. Key findings indicate that strong teams have a higher degree and closeness centrality in central zones, particularly in areas closer to the opponent's goal, suggesting a more effective ball distribution and control in these regions. Betweenness centrality analysis revealed that strong teams predominantly exert control in the front middle area and near their own goal, highlighting their ability to dictate play and create goal-scoring opportunities. In contrast, weak teams showed higher betweenness centrality in the midfield's side zones, which may imply a more peripheral approach to creating chances. The study also observed that home teams, regardless of strength, tend to have higher centrality values in offensive zones, which may be attributed to the home-field advantage. In summary, the central and defensive midfield zones are pivotal in soccer strategy, with strong teams capitalizing on these areas for tactical superiority. The insights from this study are invaluable for soccer analysts and coaches seeking to optimize team performance through targeted tactical adjustments.
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    Interplay of Declarative and Procedural Memory Systems: Role of Cardiovascular Exercise in Consolidation
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Chen, Jing; Chen, Yiming; Wright, David L.
    The neural mechanisms responsible for processing declarative and procedural memory often interact rather than operate independently. Empirical evidence suggests a competitive relationship between these memory systems in humans. Research indicates that engaging in declarative learning tasks shortly after motor skill acquisition can disrupt procedural memory, leading to the loss of consolidated skill performance gains. Our prior research demonstrated the efficacy of brief cardiovascular exercise in safeguarding procedural memory through enhanced consolidation following practice. Considering the reciprocal influence between memory systems, the current study aimed to expand upon our previous findings by investigating whether cardiovascular exercise could similarly protect declarative memory through enhanced post-acquisition consolidation.
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    Lower Extremity Kinematic and Kinetic Characteristics as Effects on Running Economy of Recreational Runners
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Li, Fei; Chen, Shiqin; Segers, Veerle; Zhang, Qingshan; Zhang, Qin; Ding, Haiyong
    This study aims to investigate the relationship between running economy (RE) and running kinematics and kinetic parameters. A total of thirty male recreational runners (age: 21.21±1.22 years, VO2max: 54.61±5.42 ml·kg-1·min-1) participated in two separate test sessions. In the first session, the participant’s body composition and RE at 10 and 12 km·h-1 were measured. In the second session, measurements were taken for hip, knee, and ankle angles and range of motion (ROM), as well as ground reaction force.
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    Tourists' Perception of the Tourism Destination Image of Wugong Mountain Scenic Area Based on Text Data from Tourism Websites
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Pu, Hanqi
    The perception of tourist destination image plays a key role in attracting tourists and shaping local identity, as it significantly influences their travel intention and experience. Wugong Mountain, known as the birthplace of Taoist culture in China, has gained popularity for its unique historical and cultural significance. In recent years, Wugong Mountain Scenic Spot has emerged as a sought-after destination for mountain sports tourism in China due to its distinctive natural scenery and diverse sports events. Employing the "cognitive-emotion" model of tourist destination image perception, this study utilized text mining and semantic network analysis methods to explore tourists' perception of Wugong Mountain tourism image by analyzing textual data from travel notes and comments on Chinese tourism websites.
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    The Effect of Summer Physical Training on Body Composition and Bone Mineral Density in National Handicapped Male Snowboarders
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Yu, Xinkai; Xiong, Xingling
    To analyze the correlation between body weight, body mass index (BMI), fat mass (FM), lean mass (LM), and biochemical indicators at various stages of physical training, and to investigate the relationship between bone mineral density (BMD), body composition, and biochemical indicators. This research aims to provide insights for the scientific training of Chinese handicapped snowboarding athletes. Utilizing 12 male athletes from the Chinese National Handicapped Team as participants, this study implemented an eight-week physical training regimen consisting of three phases: endurance training, maximum strength training, and rapid strength training. Body composition and BMD were assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Blood analysis was conducted to measure biochemical indicators such as ferritin (Fer), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), and other relevant parameters. Results: 1) The athletes demonstrated an increase in body weight, LM, FM, and BMD. 2) The BMD of the athletes exhibited a moderate inverse correlation with LM and FM in all regions except the trunk and android region, as well as body weight. Additionally, the concentrations of Ca, calcium-phosphorus product (Ca×P), and Fer showed a moderate positive association with the BMD of the athletes.
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    A Review of Sports Drinks: Composition, Usage, and Future Directions
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Lin, Yining
    During exercise, individuals inevitably lose electrolytes and fluids. In such circumstances, simply replenishing water may not maintain the body's fluid balance. Therefore, individuals need to replenish with appropriate sports drinks at the right time. However, research has shown that there are misconceptions or incomplete understandings among the population regarding sports drinks, neglecting the risks they may pose, such as hypertension, tachycardia, and anxiety. It is also important to note that some groups are not suitable for consuming sports drinks. This article will summarize the proven effective ingredients of sports drinks and their proper usage, including timing and quantity. Additionally, it will provide an overview of recent developments in sports drinks and explore the potential of natural beverages such as milk and coconut water as sports drinks. Finally, the article will discuss the current limitations in the design of sports drinks and potential improvement measures.
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    GIS Walking Maps to Promote Unstructured Recess Actibity for High School Students: A Case Study
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Yan, Yiping; Liu, Yang
    With the development of urbanization, the existing space within city schools is increasingly inadequate to meet the growing demand for recess activities. The evidence indicates that environmental cues can prompt individuals to consider becoming more active. Due to the capability of GIS (Geographic Information System) to objectively reflect, analyze, and plan activity spaces, a previous study reported that walking maps based on GIS can prompt the physical activity (PA) levels of community residents. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of walking maps based on GIS in enhancing PA during unstructured recess among high school students.
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    Analysis of Naturalized Athlete's Cultural Image Building from the Perspective of Media Construction
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Luo, Kaiyi
    The transnational mobility of naturalized athletes has become a global issue as sports globalization continues, sparking discussions about naturalized athletes’ cultural identity and sense of belonging. Utilizing the three-level news framework theory, this study analyzes the themes, discourse structure, and rhetoric in media coverage of Kyle Anderson, the first-ever naturalized athlete in Chinese basketball history. Additionally, it uses social network analysis to explore key terminologies used by the media and their relationships, shedding light on how Chinese mainstream media construct Kyle Anderson’s cultural image and the values they convey. This study finds that Chinese mainstream media have transformed Kyle Anderson’s image from an individual athlete to a national symbol by emphasizing “family” and integrating sportsmanship with traditional culture. Furthermore, the media’s focus on national identity and cultural integration highlights the role of family in cultural transmission. However, this research identifies issues of uneven media coverage, superficial reporting, and limited scope. In this case, it is recommended that media coverage be intensified during non-competitive periods and diversified with in-depth features and interviews to present a more nuanced portrayal of naturalized athletes. Moreover, the media should broaden the scope of coverage to integrate naturalized athletes’ cultural image into a broader social context, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of their identities in the age of sports globalization.
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    Can a 12-Minute Super-Slow Resistance Training Improve Lower Limb Function in Sarcopenic Older Adults? A Randomized Controlled Trial
    (University of Wyoming Libraries, 2024-09-20) Sun, Ruiqing; Zhang, Qingwen
    Abstract This study explores the effectiveness of super-slow (SS) resistance training (RT) in improving motor unit recruitment and lower limb function in older adults with sarcopenia. It focuses on reducing session training time (12 minutes) by increasing the time under tension for one repetition (15 seconds). Method: Thirty-nine participants (age 70.21±5.51) were divided into SS1 (eccentric-5s and concentric-10s, 5/0/10/0), SS2 (10/0/5/0) and natural-speed (NS,1-2/0/1-2/0) RT groups, undergoing twice-weekly sessions for 12 weeks (30%-40%1RM to 70%-80%1RM). Average electromyography (aEMG) and integrated electromyography (iEMG) were tested pre- and post-intervention using the Italian BTS surface electromyography system. The muscles tested included bilaterally rectus femoris muscle (RF), bilaterally vastus medialis femoris muscle (VM), bilaterally vastus lateral femoris muscle (VL), and bilaterally biceps femoris long head (BCL). Lower limb function was assessed through gait speed (GS), time up-and-go (TUGT), 30-second sit-to-stand (STS), and 5-time sit-to-stand (FTSST) tests.