A Review of Sports Drinks: Composition, Usage, and Future Directions
Lin, Yining
Lin, Yining
During exercise, individuals inevitably lose electrolytes and fluids. In such circumstances, simply replenishing water may not maintain the body's fluid balance. Therefore, individuals need to replenish with appropriate sports drinks at the right time.
However, research has shown that there are misconceptions or incomplete understandings among the population regarding sports drinks, neglecting the risks they may pose, such as hypertension, tachycardia, and anxiety. It is also important to note that some groups are not suitable for consuming sports drinks.
This article will summarize the proven effective ingredients of sports drinks and their proper usage, including timing and quantity. Additionally, it will provide an overview of recent developments in sports drinks and explore the potential of natural beverages such as milk and coconut water as sports drinks.
Finally, the article will discuss the current limitations in the design of sports drinks and potential improvement measures.
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sports drinks,electrolytes,sports drink usage