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Pre-Competition Weight Loss Practices in Chinese National and International Level Sanda Athletes

Zhong, Yuming
Tang, Weiwei
Gee, Thomas I
Li, Mengfan
Jiang, Haidong
Li, Yongming
Sanda is a popular sport in the world and is growing in popularity worldwide, but the pre-competition weight loss (WL) practice of Sanda athletes is poorly studied. The aim of this study was to investigate the pre-competition WL practice of Chinese Sanda athletes. One hundred sixty-nine (96 males, 73 females) national and international level Sanda athletes completed the Rapid WL Questionnaire (RWLQ). Participants were categorized by gender (male, female), age (junior, senior), competition weight categories, and competitive levels (national, international). About half (56%) of athletes purposefully implemented WL practice pre-competition. Their mean habitual WL was 7.6 ± 3.7 % and the highest WL was 10.8 ± 4.2 %. Participants usually allocate 15+ days pre-competition for WL (64 %), followed by 11-14 days (21 %), 8-10 days (5 %), 6-7 days (4 %), 4-5 days (4 %), 1-3 days (1 %). The athlete’s rapid WL score (RWLS) was 30.4 ± 6.4. There were no significant differences in habitual WL %, highest WL %, and RWLS between age groups (p=0.607, p=0.791, p=0.685), between competitive levels (p=0.229, p=0.134, p=0.736) and across weight categories (p=0.585, p=0.106, p=0.395). There were no significant differences in habitual WL % across allocated WL time (p=0.135). However, male’s habitual WL %, highest WL %, and RWLS were significantly higher than female (p=0.023, p=0.008, p=0.011). International athletes implemented more times of WL per year than national athletes (p=0.027). The participants’ highest WL % was significantly higher than their habitual WL % (p< 0.001). Increased exercise and training in plastic suits were the most frequently used WL methods. Coach was considered the person who has the greatest influence on athlete WL practice. This study found significant gender differences in the WL practices of Chinese Sanda athletes, without differences in competition levels, weight categories, and age groups.
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