Geologic map of the Phantom Lake quadrangle, Carbon County, Wyoming
Toner, R.N. ; Kehoe, K.S. ; Colwell, D.J. ; Wittke, S.J.
Toner, R.N.
Kehoe, K.S.
Colwell, D.J.
Wittke, S.J.
The Phantom Lake 7.5-minute quadrangle is in southeastern Carbon County near the western flank of Medicine Bow Mountains. Precambrian (Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic) intrusive, metasedimentary, and metavolcanic units are exposed in the northern and south-central portions of the quadrangle, but are obscured by glacial tills and other Quaternary deposits elsewhere on the map. The map area is adjacent to the Cheyenne belt, a 1.7 billion year-old suture zone that influenced much of the mineralization within the Medicine Bows and many of the structural features on the Phantom Lake quadrangle. Whole-rock geochemistry, along with detrital and magmatic zircon geochronology analysis results are reported for the Browns Park Formation and many of the Precambrian formations.
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Wyoming State Geological Survey
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Medicine Bow Mountains,Phantom Lake,Precambrian,Archean,Proterozoic,Phantom Lake Metamorphic Suite,Snowy Pass Supergroup,Browns Park Formation,glacial,zircon,geochronology,Wyoming
Toner, R.N., Kehoe, K.S., Colwell, D.J., and Wittke, S.J., 2023, Geologic map of the Phantom Lake quadrangle, Carbon County, Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Map Series 109, 43 p., 1:24,000 scale.