Preliminary geologic map of the Rock River 30' x 60' quadrangle, Albany, Laramie, and Platte Counties, Wyoming Open File Report 2021-5
Stafford, J. E. ; Hoffman, C. F. ; Wittke, S. J. ; Webber, P. M. ; Frost, B. R.
Stafford, J. E.
Hoffman, C. F.
Wittke, S. J.
Webber, P. M.
Frost, B. R.
The Rock River 30' x 60' quadrangle is in southeastern Wyoming in Albany, Laramie, and Platte counties. The map area is bisected by the Laramie Mountains, a north-south–trending range of uplifted Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks. This geologic compilation project also includes a portion of the Laramie Basin, drained to the north by the Laramie River, and the northwestern extent of the Denver-Julesburg Basin. This work was funded under USGS STATEMAP grant award G20AC00199. Mapping this quadrangle at 1:100,000-scale assists the Wyoming State Geological Survey with several mapping priorities, primarily to evaluate current and potential minerals, and edge matching and infill areas of limited existing geologic mapping.
WSGS PubID: OFR-2021-5
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Research Projects
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Journal Issue
Wyoming,map,Rock River,Laramie Basin,Denver Basin,Laramie Mountains,Laramie Range,Iron Mountain,Recheau Hills,McGill Anticline,Laramie Anorthosite Complex,Wheatland Fault System,Wheatland Reservoir,Elmers greenstone belt,precambrian,paleozoic,mesozoic,cenozoic,Albany County,Platte County,Laramie County
Stafford, J.E., Hoffman, C.F., Wittke, S.J., Webber, P.M., and Frost, B.R., 2021, Preliminary geologic map of the Rock River 30’ x 60’ quadrangle, Albany, Laramie, and Platte counties, Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File Report 2021-5, scale 1:100,000.