
Ethnicity, Family, and Religion as Cultural Barriers among GLBTQ Students in the Rural College Community

Fleak, Andre
Vodopich, Carie
Martinez, Maya
Research h as shown that classifications such as gender, ethnicity, race, age, sexuality and class have an impact on marginalization of individuals. Marginalization automatically places an individual in a position of being labeled as different. Any classification or other component of a social category has the power for inclusion and exclusion. We believe that marginalization is a result of various cultural barriers that affect minority populations, specifically the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Queer (GLBTQ) community. The purpose is to explore the relationships between cultural barriers of race/ethnicity, family relationships, and religion among the GLBTQ rural college community. Researchers believe these barriers exist because rural college communities are smaller and tend to have less diverse populations of students. Researchers will collect data through student surveys distributed through email with optional additional comments. The expected results are that cultural barriers will have a stronger negative impact on the lives of the students identifying with the GLBTQ college community when compared to those students who identify as being heterosexual.
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