Commotion in the Devil's Ink Pot-A Moment of Eruption, Yellowstone National Park, Wyo., U.S.A.
B.L. Singley,
B.L. Singley,
At the Lower and at the Middle Geyser Basins, as at the Upper, one looks out over thousands of acres of the white or tinted deposits called geyserite,--born of the hot pools and geysers,--and he wonders at the amount of deposit as well as on account of the colors. Punctuating the vast stretches of this variegated geyserite, one sees not only scores, but hundres of openings, from each of which more or less of steam is constantly rising, while from nearly all of them hot water in varying quantities is thrown at irregular intervals. During a warm day much of the steam is invisible, but when the twilight comes on and the temperature drops to near the freezing point, the Basin looks as if hundres of stokers below had been poking the fires of Hades, for the steam appears more and still more abundant all over the far-stretching acres of geyser deposit. Around each opening, and bordering the shallow streams of water that flow away from a majority of springs and pools, are marvelous displays of brilliant colors shading off into most delicate tints. We have learned to expect wonderful color displays in this region, especially wherever we find hot, flowing water. In this view it is a case of acres on acres of brilliant glory crystalized on the earth. When the Creator adds to such indescribable scenes, one of His most glorious sunsets, in which the clouds vie with the geyserite in variety and in beauty of coloring, then "white the heavens declare the glory of God," the geyserite also "showeth His handiwork."
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Photography,Stereoscopic,Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming