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SPAN 3030 - Use of Tilde (Stress Mark) in Spanish

Checa-Garcia, Irene
This document consists of several multimedia lessons all focusing on learning how to place stress marks in Spanish. It contains lessons which have also exercises and quizzes inside them. Each lesson and section are bookmarked and also linked from the main menu. All exercises are linked, so by clicking on the link you go to the exercise. Solutions are offered in the next page, which also links back to the lesson. It is organized in six lessons: why stress marks or tildes are necessary, what is needed to master them, how to split into syllables, how to recognize which one is the stressed syllable, the rules for placing stress marks, and more information on some special cases. In addition, there is a resources page with external links to further content and resources, and a list of all exercises and quizzes that links to each exercise in particular, in case the instructor wants to assign them independently from the lesson. This document can be viewed with any PDF reader from any operative system, however, to be able to listen to the audios, Acrobat Reader (free) is recommended. Once you have open the document in Acrobat Reader, you may need to allow for permission to play the audio. Each audio is signaled with rectangle around a music note. By placing the cursor on top of it, a hand symbol will appear and if you click then, the audio will play. To download Acrobat Reader: https://get.adobe.com/reader/ For trouble shooting/permissions to listen to the audios: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/playing-video-audio-multimedia-formats.html
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University of Wyoming. Libraries
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
oer,wyoer,spanish,span 3030
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