
Nitrogenated Covalent Organic Frameworks

Spaulding, Veronica
Graphene is a ground-breaking material with over twenty thousand patents involving its applications and modifications. It is the strongest, yet thinnest material known with semi-conducting properties. Extensive research has been performed on graphene to improve characteristics such as its conductivity, formation of holes and chemically manipulating its structure. Specifically, graphene is a two-dimensional, single atomic layer of graphite; which is an allotrope of carbon that is made up of tightly bonded carbon atoms organized into a hexagonal lattice. What makes graphene so special is its sp2 hybridization and nanoscopic atomic thickness (of 0.345nm). An alternative to graphene involves condensation reactions between amine containing compounds and carbonyl groups, which form a graphene-like nitrogenated derivative. These materials have ordered holes with high crystallinity. The organic synthesis of these compounds are well established and have been characterized as Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs). This amine/carbonyl condensation reaction can produce extremely high control of the lattice structures desired in the final 2-D material; this material can then be fabricated into membranes for applications in separations, batteries and more. The goal of my work on these nitrogenated materials is to chemically synthesize holey 2D materials with two distinctly different holes in the lattice. The two holes will be capable of chemical manipulation, which would potentially be superior to graphene. This gives rise to a variety of applications of the material, and its derivatives; which we hope to improve upon using these nitrogenated frameworks.
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