
Design Alternatives for the Upgrade of the Moffat Drinking Water Plant to 300 MGD

Brouillard, Brent
The scope of the project was to design a water treatment plant (WTP) for Denver Water that provides 300 million gallons per day (MGD) to the Denver area to meet future demands. The Moffat treatment plant is at the end of its design life. The two options are 1) to upgrade the existing plant at the current Moffat location to handle 300 MGD or 2) to build a new WTP at the Ralston Reservoir site. The team designed a conventional treatment train for each site to evaluate which option to select. The sites were compared based on criteria desired by Denver Water for the new plant including a net present worth analysis of each alternative. A decision matrix was constructed to analyze the criteria and net present worth based on weight and rank. The team ran out of time to complete the net present worth and therefore could not make a final site recommendation.
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