Expansion of Executive War Powers under the Obama and Trump Administrations
Hornlein, Leena
Hornlein, Leena
The United States has not officially declared war since World War II, but has been involved in numerous conflicts under authorizations to use military force. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 dictates that the President of the United States must report and receive authorization by Congress for the use of military force within sixty days of U.S. armed forces becoming involved in hostilities. There is great controversy over both the scope and the effectiveness of the War Powers Resolution in restraining the executive war powers. This thesis is an analysis of the evolution of executive war powers under the Obama and Trump administrations. This thesis will first analyze the creation of war powers in the United States Constitution, then the evolution of war powers legislation, and finally review case studies under the Obama and Trump administrations to illustrate the great expansion of executive war powers in the administrations examined. Specifically, the case studies explored include Libya and the Islamic State under the Obama Administration, and Yemen, Islamic State, and Niger under the Trump Administration.
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University of Wyoming. Libraries