
LEEDing Wyoming

Austin, Jeff
This project aims to shed some light on the issue of why so few Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certified buildings exist in Wyoming. Only nine LEED certified buildings exist in Wyoming. For the research project, the project managers or LEED-APs received a questionnaire. A total of 36 questionnaires were sent out and only four were received back within the deadline. Three of the four questionnaires that were returned said that Credit 5.2 Regional Materials was impossible or at least a barrier to LEED Certification in Wyoming. Added costs to build "green" ranged from 8.3% to 35% more than if constructing a typical building. One responder mentioned that, "It is illegal in Wyoming to harvest rainwater for reuse unless you own the water rights. This makes an innovative wastewater technology very difficult for Wyoming." Even though only four surveys were returned, some important facts were learned as to why so few LEED accredited buildings exist in Wyoming. Hopefully by providing the United States Green Building Council with this feedback, the number of revisions needed in the future can be decreased and the number of "green" buildings in Wyoming can increase.
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University of Wyoming Libraries