Famous Fish Pot and Beautiful Yellowstone Lake. Yellowstone National Park, Wyo., U.S.A., The
B.L. Singley,
B.L. Singley,
After lunch at the Thumb, we go out to see "one of those places they talk about," a place where you can catch a trout from the cool waters of the lake and, without changing your position or taking the fish from the hook, can drop it in a hot spring and cook it to a finish. This view shows a party inspecting the place. A hot spring in the edge of the lake has built up around itself a cone of geyserite, and there holds itself aloof from the cool waters of the lake. There are several places in the Park where it is possible to catch trout with hook and line and cook them in a hot spring less than 10 feet from where the trout took the fly. The view eastward, across the lake from The Thumb, is an unusually interesting mountain scene. The Absaroka Range of the Rockies extends north and south along the entire eastern border of the Park. The average altitude of the peaks shown in this view is 10,400 feet. The variation of the chief peaks from that figure is slight. Captain Chittender pronounces the view eastward from Yellowstone Lake, "one f the finest exhibitions of mountain scenery on the continent."
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Photography,Stereoscopic,Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming