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Fort Yellowstone, among the Mountains, Headquarters of U.S. Troops, Yellowstone Park, Wyo.

You are looking nearly north; the mountains straight ahead are a spur of the Gallatin range. The huge bulk at the right, streaked with straggling pines, is Mount Everts. Gardiner River is flowing northward between here and the base of Mt. Everts, to join the Yellowstone which is over at the other side of the mountain. The wonderful terraces built up by the Mammoth Hot Springs are behind you and off at your left. Two troops of U.S. cavalry are stationed here under command of major Pitcher, the Acting Superintendent of the Park. The Park has been under military guardianship since 1883, though for the first ten years the troops sent here were insufficient to patrol adequately the 3,300 square miles of ground. At present the increased force finds plenty to do, though there is no fighting. In 1877 the Nez Percé Indians raised havoc right here among the few settlers by the Mammoth Springs, but now fires and poachers are the only enemies. the park rules about the kindling and extinguishing of camp fires are exceedingly strict, but fires will start now and then. In 1901 a conflagration was started by a cigar stump and four weeks were spent in fighting the flames before they were conquered! The Government is endeavoring to make this reservation a peaceful preserve for all sorts of characteristic western game, but hunters and trappers of a disreputable sort would be continually sneaking over the boundaries and killing valuable animals, were it not for the military patrol. In default of more exciting adventure, tracking and capturing such poachers becomes interesting occupation in this lonely land. (See H. M. Chittenden: "Yellowstone National Park.") From Notes of Travel, No. 13, copyright, by Underwood & Underwood.
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Photography,Stereoscopic,Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming
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