McCoy, Daniel PhippsInitiative, Wyoming Outdoor Recreation, Tourism, and HospitalityRecreation, Wyoming Office of Outdoor2024-02-092024-02-0910.15786/22206052 Wyoming Outdoor Recreation, Tourism, and Hospitality (WORTH) Initiative at the University of Wyoming, in partnership with the Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Office, compiled a report to document several key elements of how this industry contributes to Wyoming communities. The report compares the economic contribution of different activities such as snow sports, hunting, fishing, off-roading, and more, and underscores how outdoor recreation directly supports more than 15,000 jobs in Wyoming. The report also describes the natural features in Wyoming that draw outdoor recreationists to visit, and discusses the benefits of outdoor recreation to health and wellness, community, workforce recruitment and retention, and beyond. Finally, the report documents the efforts being made – nationally and in Wyoming— to conserve and steward natural spaces so that they remain healthy and vibrant for future generations.eng RecreationWORTHWyomingWyoming Outdoor Recreation Report | Spring 2023report