B.L. Singley,2024-02-122024-02-121904-01-0110.15786/13681879https://wyoscholar.uwyo.edu/handle/internal/5455https://doi.org/10.15786/13681879A THOUSAND TIMES BETTER THAN WORDS--GRAND CANYON OF THE YELLOWSTONE. In whatever light and in whatever mood of mind one may view the Grand Canyon of The Yellowstone, he finds it surprising, beautiful and enchanting. Dr. F. V. Hayden, who was for so many years the Director of the United States Geological Bureau, and who in 1871 began a geological survey of this wonderful region, though he was a man not much given to sentiment, confessed to the writer, that he used to stand with folded arms and gaze into this "Symphony in Stone" till tears filled his eyes and blurred his vision. Moran, the skillful artist who painted that remarkable picture of this Canyon on the walls of our National Capitol said: "Its beautiful tints are beyond the reach of art." Bierstadt, the celebrated painter of grand and beautiful landscapes, when he first stood on the brink of this canyon, took off his hat, folded his arms across his breast and, after gazing in silence for many minutes, said to his companion: "Well, I always suspected that Moran, in that painting of his in the Capitol at Washington had exaggerated the coloring of this Canyon; but no artist can exaggerate it--no one can do it justice." Said David C. Folsom, one of the first to explore this region and truthfully report its wonders, "Language is entirely inadequate to convey a just conception of the awful grandeur and sublimity of this master-piece of Nature's handiwork."https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/PhotographyStereoscopicYellowstone National ParkWyomingThousand Times Better than Words-A Stereoscope's Description of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, National Park, Wyo., U.S.A., Afigure