Carroll, C. J.Ratigan, D. R.Lynds, R. M.Palkovic, M. J.2024-02-162024-02-162015-01-01Carroll, C.J., Ratigan, D.R., Lynds, R.M., and Palkovic, M.J., 2015, Preliminary geologic map of the Rawlins Peak SW quadrangle, Carbon County, Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File Report 15-6, scale 1:24,000.10.15786/20.500.11919/5098 geologic map of the Rawlins Peak SW quadrangle, Carbon County, Wyoming. WSGS PubID: OFR-15-6eng geologic map of the Rawlins Peak SW quadrangle, Carbon County, Wyomingdataset