Benson, MelindaBergman, HaroldBoelter, AnnCoupal, RogerHoffer, NancyHulme, DianaKorfanta, NicoleLieske, ScottLovato, JillMiller, ScottMunn, LarryReddy, Katta2024-10-182024-10-182005 Wyoming Governor's Office asked the University of Wyoming to address a series of questions on options for dealing with water produced through coalbed methane development. This report provides context for and answers to those questions.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International and proceedings, resources, water, drought, management, energy development, coalbed methane, natural gas, law, conservation, produced water, management, disposalresourceswaterdroughtmanagementenergy developmentcoalbed methanenatural gaslawconservationproduced watermanagementdisposalWater Production from Coalbed Methane Development in Wyoming: A Summary of Quantity, Quality and Management Options