Deng, MinMace, G. G.Wang, Z.Lawson, R. Paul2024-02-082024-02-082013-04-01 this study several ice cloud retrieval products that utilize active and passive A-Train measurements are evaluated using in situ data collected during the Small Particles in Cirrus (SPARTICUS) field campaign. The retrieval datasets include ice water content (IWC), effective radius re, and visible extinction σ from CloudSat level-2C ice cloud property product (2C-ICE), CloudSat level-2B radar-visible optical depth cloud water content product (2B-CWC-RVOD), radar-lidar(DARDAR), and σ from Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO). When the discrepancies between the radar reflectivity Ze derived from 2D stereo probe (2D-S) in situ measurements and Ze measured by the CloudSat radar are less than 10 dBZe, the flight mean ratios of the retrieved IWC to the IWC estimated from in situ data are 1.12, 1.59, and 1.02, respectively for 2C-ICE, DARDAR, and 2B-CWC-RVOD. For re, the flight mean ratios are 1.05, 1.18, and 1.61, respectively. For σ, the flight mean ratios for 2C-ICE, DARDAR, and CALIPSO are 1.03, 1.42, and 0.97, respectively. The CloudSat 2C-ICE and DARDAR retrieval products are typically in close agreement. However, the use of parameterized radar signals in ice cloud volumes that are below the detection threshold of the CloudSat radar in the 2C-ICE algorithm provides an extra constraint that leads to slightly better agreement with in situ data. The differences in assumed mass-size and area-size relations between CloudSat 2C-ICE and DARDAR also contribute to some subtle difference between the datasets: re from the 2B-CWC-RVOD dataset is biased more than the other retrieval products and in situ measurements by about 40%. A slight low (negative) bias in CALIPSO σ may be due to 5-km averaging in situations in which the cirrus layers have significant horizontal gradients in σ.eng cloudsCloud microphysicsCloud retrievalDetection thresholdHorizontal gradientsIce cloud retrievalIn-situ measurementRadar reflectivitiesCloudsIceOptical radarRadar measurementalgorithmCALIPSOcirruscloud microphysicsCloudSatdetection methodicein situ measurementwater contentEvaluation of Several A-Train Ice Cloud Retrieval Products with in Situ Measurements Collected During the SPARTICUS Campaignjournal contribution10.1175/JAMC-D-12-054.1