Hanson, Lynnell2024-02-122024-02-1210.15786/13700623https://wyoscholar.uwyo.edu/handle/internal/6363https://doi.org/10.15786/13700623This Cost Benefit Analysis is in reference to the new 2017 Wyoming Trichomonas Regulations and addresses the effect these updates have had on samples received at the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory in Laramie, Wyoming. Before 2017 in Wyoming, either a culture or PCR could be performed to test a bull for the presence of Trichomonas. New regulations now require PCR diagnoses to take place. This project covers data collected at the WSVL from 2012 through 2017. Both culture and PCR data were analyzed for 2012 to 2016. Data was split into pre- and post-regulation changes, and then divided further into four yearly quarters. The 2017 data was compared to this line in order to determine if the new rules have had any effect on the number of samples received. The main criteria for determining the cost or benefit due to new regulations are substantial decrease or increase in sample submissions and change of seasonal trends. According to the data analyzed thus far, the Wyoming State Vet Lab is seeing a marked decrease in revenue stream after the implementation of the new Trichomonas feotus regulations. The overall PCR count has remained relatively similar, however, the inability to use culturing as a diagnostic tool is where the drop in sample numbers is taking place. There is a significant price difference in the consumer cost of culturing as compared to PCR, which may be a causative factor in the lack of customers switching test type. The proposed solution is to lower in-house costs to effectively decrease the lab fee for testing at the WSVL.enghttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/trichomonas feotuscost analysisWyoming State Veterinary LaboratoryAgribusinessVeterinary Infectious DiseasesCost Analysis for 2017 Wyoming Trichomonas Regulationsthesis