Legowski, StanislawMidthun, Travis2024-03-142024-03-1410.15786/13702486 of power, an open door, or faulty machinery can all cause a fridge of freezer's temperature to skyrocket, causing the contents to spoil and make a giant mess. The Temperature Text Message Alert System can alert a person through a text message when their fridge or freezer's temperature is not ideal. The device consists of a GSM module, temperature sensor, and an Arduino microcontroller. The system is powered by a rechargeable battery. The GSM module is used to send the text messages and the temperature sensor will be placed inside the fridge or freezer to record the temperature. When the temperature of the fridge or freezer leaves a programmed temperature range, an alert text message will be sent to the user altering them of the problem. This will allow the person to take action and fix the problem. The user can send messages to the device to receive a temperature reading, set the desired temperature range, program phone numbers that will be sent the alert text message, and power on and off the device. My project will let people know when something is wrong with their fridge or freezer and allow them to enough time to fix the problem.eng Text Message Alert Systempresentation