2024-02-122024-02-1210.15786/13683673https://wyoscholar.uwyo.edu/handle/internal/5992https://doi.org/10.15786/13683673AT MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS LOOKING S. W. TO MOUND TERRACE. As we pass into the wonderland of Yellowstone National Park through the North Entrance the first of its marvels which we encounter are the Mammoth Hot Springs, 4.5 miles from the Northern Pacific R. R. station at Gardiner. The scene on which we are looking is therefore sure to be one of the first we shall behold. But before going further it will be well to consider for a moment some general facts about the Park and its conveniences for visitors. Besides the Gardiner Entrace there are three other main entraces, connecting by splendid roads with the Grand Loop system of Park highways. They are: the western or West Yellowstone Entrace, where the Union Pacific R. R. touches the Park border; the eastern or Cody Entrance, served by the Burlington Route at Cody, 55.2 miles E. of the Park and the southern or Snake River Entrance, 178.4 miles by excellent auto road from the Chicago and Northwestern R. R. at Lander, Wyo. The loop system of Park highways consists of 140.6 miles of road, built by the Government, connecting all the principal scenic centers. Four large hotels are maintained in the Park: Mammoth Hotel at Mammoth Hot Springs; Old Faithful Inn at the Upper Geyser basin; Lake Hotel on the N. shore of Yellowstone Lake; and Grand Canyon Hotel near the head of the Grand Canyon. Near each of the hotels is a cabin camp with a lodge containing general accommodations and there are two other lodges; Camp Roosevelt near Tower Falls and Sylvan Pass Lodge at the Eastern Entrace. There are also camp grounds for auto tourist at these and many other places along the loop highways. (View looking S. W. Elev. 6,400 ft. Lat. 45 degree N.; Long. 111 degree W.) Copyright by The Keystone View Companyhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/PhotographyStereoscopicYellowstone National ParkWyomingOn the Formation at Mammoth Hot Springs, Looking S.W. to Mound Terrace, Yellowstone National Park.figure