Grannan, Sheriedan2024-02-082024-02-082015-04-1610.15786/13686715 & Background: The objectives are to examine reasons that adults do not want to test for Hepatitis C Viral (HCV) infections and to increase awareness of risk factors and HCV infection. The specific aims are to identify detailed themes and barriers to HCV testing and to determine if testing rates increase when patients self-identify their risk factors and are offered testing. HCV infections pose a significant burden on individual and community health. The Baby Boomer (1945-1965) generation and underserved populations continue to carry the brunt of diagnosed and undiagnosed HCV infections. Providing information about HCV, risk, and offering screening at a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) has the potential to reach these populations. Methods: This descriptive study uses survey and group-level electronic health record (EHR) data. Adults that speak and write in English or Spanish arriving for care at a FQHC in the Mountain West are being recruited to complete a survey. Descriptive statistics will summarize demographics and responses from the survey. Descriptive analysis will include frequency distribution, measures of central tendency, and measures of dispersion. Zero-order correlations will assess associations between risks and reasons for not testing. A comparison analysis of 2014 monthly testing averages compared against survey period testing average will be done to determine if HCV screening has increased during the survey timeframe. Conclusions: At study completion, beginning evidence regarding risk perceptions, barrier to testing themes, and rates of HCV testing will be revealed.eng and Health SciencesUnderstanding Patient Perception and Risk for Hepatitis C Screeningpresentation