This folder contains exact analytic solutions of Ross & Parlange (1994). The two folders Ross_Parlang_nonlinear and Ross_Parlange_powerlaw contain numbered data files: ./Ross_Parlange_powerlaw/Ross_powerlaw_exact.time__soil.txt ./Ross_Parlange_nonlinear/Ross_nonlinear_exact.time__soil.txt wher ii = 1, 2, 4, and jj = 3-9 for powerlaw, jj = 1-9 for nonlinear. ii = 1, 2, 4 correspond to time equal to 0.5*ts, ts, and t_end (ts is surface saturation time). jj = 3-9 for power law correspond to parameter n = 3.0-9.0. jj = 1-9 for nonlinear law correspond to parameter alpah = 0.1-0.8, and 0.95. In each file, column 1 is normalized water content, column 2 is depth in [cm] (positive value).