TASK 3: ASSESSMENT COMMENTARY Respond to the prompts below (no more than 10 single-spaced pages, including prompts) by typing your responses within the brackets following each prompt. Do not delete or alter the prompts. Commentary pages exceeding the maximum will not be scored. Attach the assessment you used to evaluate student performance (no more than 5 additional pages) to the end of this file. If you submit a student work sample or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of this file. These pages do not count toward your page total. 1. Analyzing Student Learning a. Identify the specific learning objectives measured by the assessment you chose for analysis. [The specific learning objective addressed in this assessment is, I can model a division problem to find how many equal groups.] b. Provide a graphic (table or chart) or narrative that summarizes student learning for your whole class. Be sure to summarize student learning for all evaluation criteria submitted in Assessment Task 3, Part D. [ Student ScoreNumber of Students4 (Advanced)0 No students met all the Level 3 criteria and also went above and beyond. No Level 4 opportunity was presented in the assessment or suggested during directions.3 (Proficient) 8 (Student 3) These students met all of the Level 3 criteria stated in the evaluation criteria. They correctly completed their table and drew correct equal groups models.2 (Emerging)5 (Student 1(IEP) and Student 2) These students met the Level 2 criteria as outlined in the evaluation criteria. Student 2 did not include an equal groups model for either problem. The other four children (including Student 1) reversed the models for either both or one of the problems. They still recorded the correct response in their table but their model did not match the table. For the first problem, all four students incorrectly drew 3 groups with 6 in each group. For the second problem, three students incorrectly drew 9 groups with 3 in each group1 (Basic)00 0] c. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and the whole class summary to analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class and differences for groups or individual learners relative to conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, AND mathematical reasoning or problem-solving skills. Consider what students understand and do well, and where they continue to struggle (e.g., common errors, confusions, need for greater challenge). [It seems that the majority of students feel comfortable making models to show how many equal groups. A few, including Student 1 (IEP), seem to still be stuck drawing the model we used to find how many in each group. In this situation, we worked on drawing big circles to represent our groups and then putting one counter in each group and counting up until we reached our big number. Then we counted how many were in each group. They seemed to follow this same technique when trying to find number of groups. They still got the correct answer but it’s very important for them to see that their model must match the situation. Since this student is on an IEP, they just need more individualized attention in this area. After talking to Student 2 during their feedback conference, I realized that they were capable of solving the problem using an equal group model, they just did not read or follow the directions carefully. Many of the students like Student 3 could have benefited from greater challenge on their Math Check. I feel that I could have provided this challenge by adding a Level 4 question to the Math Check that could have asked the students to think beyond the learning target to go above and beyond. In the Match Checks I have developed since the instruction of this learning segment, I have added a more rigorous question to act as a Level 4 question. These questions usually require the students to think deeper about the concept for that day.] d. If a video or audio work sample occurs in a group context (e.g., discussion), provide the name of the clip and clearly describe how the scorer can identify the focus student(s) (e.g., position, physical description) whose work is portrayed. [Student Work Samples are written and submitted in separate files.] 2. Feedback to Guide Further Learning Refer to specific evidence of submitted feedback to support your explanations. a. Identify the format in which you submitted your evidence of feedback for the 3 focus students. (Delete choices that do not apply.) Written directly on work samples or in separate documents that were provided to the focus students If a video or audio clip of feedback occurs in a group context (e.g., discussion), clearly describe how the scorer can identify the focus student (e.g., position, physical description) who is being given feedback. [Feedback is both written directly on the student work samples and through a written transcript of a one-on-one conference that was held with the target students. These transcripts are submitted in separate files.] b. Explain how feedback provided to the 3 focus students addresses their individual strengths and needs relative to the learning objectives measured. [This feedback provided to my three sample students addresses their individual needs because the feedback was given to them in a one-on-one setting with myself and strictly addressed any misconceptions present on their Math Check. This conference is not just a time to tell them what they have done wrong and it should not be phrased in that way. It is a valuable time to address a point of confusion or a misconception that a student may have. I try to approach the conversation by saying something neutral such as, “let’s take a moment to talk about your Math Check from this morning, I had a couple of questions about what you did”. I also take the time to rework through the missed problems with the students. For example, Student 1 (IEP) needed more work on recognizing the difference between the number of groups and the number in each group. We had a good discussion about making sure that those numbers and the pictures match up and tell us the same thing. Student 2 needed a simple reminder to read the directions carefully. This student had no problem drawing equal group models. Student 3 is ready for greater challenge in division so we had a discussion about writing story problems to match an equal groups problem.] c. Describe how you will support each focus student to understand and use this feedback to further their learning related to learning objectives, either within the learning segment or at a later time. [As Student 1 is on an IEP, I will continue to support them with more one-on-one individualized attention. Related to the learning objective, I will make sure to keep a close eye on their equal group models to make sure that they are not mixing up the number of groups and the number in each group. I may develop a practice page of problems for them that has a mix of how many groups and how many in each group problems to help them practice matching up their models to the problems. For Student 2, I will continue to remind them to carefully read and follow the directions on their assignments. In third grade, we have a lot of conversations about reading directions and problems carefully. We have had students drop scores because they simply did not read the problem strategically. This is a very important skill for this student to develop. Student 3, could benefit from greater enrichment in division concepts. When I see them excelling in a lesson, I will make sure to have opportunities and activities available for them that will extend the lesson in a meaningful way.] 3. Evidence of Language Understanding and Use When responding to the prompt below, use concrete examples from the video clip(s) and/or student work samples as evidence. Evidence from the clip(s) may focus on one or more students. You may provide evidence of students’ language use from ONE, TWO, OR ALL THREE of the following sources: 1. Use video clip(s) from Instruction Task 2 and provide time-stamp references for evidence of language use. 2. Submit an additional video file named “Language Use” of no more than 5 minutes in length and cite language use (this can be footage of one or more students’ language use). Submit the clip in Assessment Task 3, Part B. 3. Use the student work samples analyzed in Assessment Task 3 and cite language use. a. Explain and provide concrete examples for the extent to which your students were able to use or struggled to use the selected language function, vocabulary and/or symbols, AND discourse or syntax to develop content understandings. [At 0:40 in the video clip from Instruction Task 2 I ask a student to define what the word model means. This was an important discussion because it is a critical term used in our learning target. It is also a term that we use frequently in our classroom discussions and assessments. I wanted to make sure that the students know what a model is and how we can model division. The language function I selected is develop. At 3:47 in the video clip, we begin to develop our equal groups model. We start by drawing out the number of counters that we need. Then we circle the number of counters that are in each group. We finish by counting the number of groups that we made. At 6:42 in the video clip, we begin to change our model in response to a change in the problem itself. The students had two prior lessons on developing this type of model so I feel that they were really excelling in this clip. At 1:36 in the video clip we begin breaking apart the story problem to find the most important pieces that we need to solve the problem. We underline the question and we circle important numbers and labels. This is an example of the students using syntax because they are organizing the language of the story problem to understand what they need to do.] 4. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction a. Based on your analysis of student learning presented in prompts 1b–c, describe next steps for instruction to impact student learning: For the whole class For the 3 focus students and other individuals/groups with specific needs Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/support (e.g., students with IEPs or 504 plans, English language learners, struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in academic knowledge, and/or gifted students needing greater support or challenge). [Based on my analysis of student learning, I feel that the majority of the students are ready to learn another model that can be used to show division such as the bar model. For the students who scored at a Level 2 on the assessment because of the reversal of their model, I will form a small group during intervention time where I will do a reteach on drawing a model to match the problem. We will also focus on practicing some problems where we have to find equal groups and some where we have to find how many groups. I will support my 3 focus students by following up with the supports outlined in 2c. I will make sure that as the lessons progress, Students 1 and 2 are not falling behind and that Student 3 is receiving the enrichment and extension activities they need to be successful.] b. Explain how these next steps follow from your analysis of student learning. Support your explanation with principles from research and/or theory. [Vygotsky believed that students need to be challenged by activities and content that is just beyond their current level of mastery. This area is their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). Tasks in the ZPD should be not too difficult because this may lead to student frustrations that may halt the whole learning process. ZPD Tasks should be challenging in a way that helps students to develop conceptual understanding and draw connections. If students are becoming masters of the equal groups model, we need to find a new strategy that may challenge them to think about division in a different way. For the students who have not yet mastered the equal groups model, there is further instruction, discussion, and practice to be had. Let your students’ knowledge guide your instruction and recognize that lesson plans are not rigid tunnels but rather flexible paths that can twist, turn, and change in response to student data.]      Elementary Mathematics Task 3: Assessment Commentary Copyright © 2016 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University.  1 of 4 | 10 pages maximum All rights reserved. V5_0916 The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Use of the edTPA trademarks is permitted only pursuant to the terms of a written license agreement. Copyright © 2012 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University.  1 of XX All rights reserved.