Wildfires negatively impact conifer regeneration and growth ABSTRACT Ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) and soil nutrients are important for conifer growth and regeneration. ECM engage in a symbiotic relationship with conifers, with the fungus conferring nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous to their host tree in exchange for carbohydrates they receive from the tree. This project examined the effects of wildfires on ECM and soil nutrient content and observed how these changes may affect conifer regeneration post-fire. In 2012, the Arapaho fire spread through the Rogers Research Site located in the Northern Laramie Mountains of Wyoming. The fire altered ECM and soil nutrient levels and killed a large number of conifers. In order to examine the fire's effects and different restoration techniques, a block design was implemented at the field site, and soil was collected from both high-severity (burned) and low-severity burned (control) plots five years post wildfire. Pine seeds were planted in both types of soil in microcosms and were incubated for a period of fourteen months in growth chambers. In February, the seedlings were harvested and analyzed based on their length and biomass. It was observed that trees grown in soil from the control sites grew more on average and exhibited a higher seedling biomass than trees grown in soil from the burned sites, indicating that changes implemented by wildfires do negatively impact conifer regeneration. In order to combat the negative effects of wildfires, both ECM and nutrients may need to be introduced to these areas post-fire. This can be accomplished either by inoculating burned areas with soil from non-burned sites, or by transplanting seedlings grown in the lab in non-burned soil to burned areas. INTRODUCTION The soil microbial community has many roles in tree growth and regeneration. The microbial community helps with decomposition, nutrient cycling, and maintaining soil structure (Hart et. al 2005). Wildfires often have negative impacts on the soil microbial community by altering the soil chemical properties and through heat-induced mortality (Covington and DeBano 1990; DeBano 1991). Research has shown that fungi are generally more affected than bacteria by fire (Dooley and Treseder 2012; Pressler et al. 2019). This means that ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) have a higher mortality rate and take longer to regenerate in the soil. This is detrimental because ECM are important for the growth and maintenance of various plant species, as ECM engage in symbiotic relationships with plants, specifically coniferous trees (Balestrini et al. 2014). After wildfires, it is hard for ponderosa pines in mid-elevation forest ecosystems to germinate and regenerate. This is due to several factors, with the main factor being reduced seed source and reduced access to nutrient as the organic soil horizon is often completely burned by the fire. But even with restoration efforts by planting or seeding pines, other factors play a role in creating dry soil conditions, including high wind speeds combined with high temperatures, low precipitation, and high soil radiation. These harsh conditions can be overcome through symbiotic relationships with ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM), which increase water and nutrient availability to conifer species. In exchange, they receive carbohydrates from their host (Balestrini et al. 2014). There is an abundance of ECM taxa. While all of these taxa are beneficial in some way to conifer trees, previous research has shown that a select few are actually able to survive post- wildfire (Cowan et al. 2016). Rhizopogon salebrosus, Rhizopogon ochraceorubens, Wilcoxina rehmii, and Suillus pseudobrevipes were all relatively abundant in unburned, low, and high intensity burned soil (Cowan et al. 2016). However, while some ECM taxa may not be as equipped to survive wildfires, they are beneficial in different ways. For example, a study examining ECM abundance after a mountain pine beetle epidemic found that Chroogomphus ochraceus, Hydnum repandum, Hygrophorus piceae, and Lactarius rufus, among others, were able to withstand pine beetle attacks on conifers (Treu et al. 2014). It is interesting to note that none of the ECM taxa that survived post-wildfire and the taxa that survived a mountain beetle epidemic are the same. Therefore, it stands to reason that there is a variety of ECM taxa that contributes to the health of conifer trees in different ways. Research has also shown that ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) can regenerate after one growing season (Cowan et al. 2016). However, no one knows for certain how long it takes ECM to return to normal levels in the soil post-fire. During wildfires, many soil physical and chemical properties are altered. An example of this is changes in nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) in the soil. Organic N is lost initially when the organic soil horizon is burned by the wildfire. However, inorganic N, such as ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-), increased initially along with fire intensity (Mroz et al. 2980; Weston and Attiwill 1990). The combustion of forest vegetation during wildfires converts organic P to inorganic P, or orthophosphate. Eventually, however, NH4+ is adsorbed and NO3- is leached from the soil post-fire. Orthophosphate eventually binds to calcium, aluminum, and iron in the soil (Certini 2005). As a result, inorganic levels of N and P begin to return to normal about five years post-fire (Hauer et al., 1998) While it was observed that wildfires can reduce the soil microbial community, these studies were only short-term. Long-term effects of wildfires haven’t been studied yet (Hart et al. 2005). A long-term study looking at ponderosa pine regeneration and mycorrhizal fungi regeneration in the soil would be beneficial in better understanding wildfire effects on ponderosa pine forest regeneration. My project therefore will be looking at ECM regeneration and effect on conifer growth post-wildfire using a growth chamber experiment, in which we will measure ECM abundance and specific taxa, along with the health and growth of conifer seedlings. This experiment will allow us to answer the following questions: Do ECM have the same potential to return to normal levels post-wildfire? I propose that, if N and P return to normal levels in the soil post-fire, then ECM will be able to as well. But how long will this take? Is it dependent on the health of their host species? Research has shown that ECM are sensitive to the health and abundance of their host species (Cowan et al. 2016). If mycorrhizal fungi are beneficial to tree growth and development, a lack of mycorrhizal fungi could lead to a decline in the number of trees found post-wildfire. Additionally, it has been proven that a variety of ECM taxa benefit conifers in different ways (Treu et al. 2014, Cowan et al. 2016). Some taxa are able to withstand high temperatures, and thus are able to survive wildfires. However, are these taxa as beneficial to conifers as others? Based off of previous studies, I propose that the ECM taxa that survive wildfires are not necessarily as beneficial to conifer trees as taxa that did not survive. Additionally, will ECM and soil nutrient content have an effect on tree growth and biomass? I hypothesize that trees growing in soil from the control site will grow more based on stem length and diameter and will have a higher seedling biomass than trees that were grown in soil from the burn sites. This is due to the fact that ECM and soil nutrient content are diminished post wildfire. As a result, trees in the burn site will not have these advantages and will grow less on average. METHODS Site Description To understand the consequences of wildfires on vegetation, I conducted a growth chamber experiment. There were two types of soil used in the experiment: low-severity burned (Control), and high-severity burned (Burned) soil. Soil was gathered On June 5th, 2018 from the Rogers Research Site (RRS), located in the north Laramie mountains in Wyoming. RRS is managed by the Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station and is owned by the University of Wyoming (UW). The elevation at RRS ranges from 2,000-2,200 m and is about 129.5 ha high. The mountains have moderate to steep slopes. A weather station is located at the site that continuously measures precipitation and air and soil temperature. Based on the data gathered from the station, the average annual precipitation is 37.6 cm, and the average annual temperature varies, ranging anywhere from 0-14 C. Vegetation found at RRS included shrubs, primarily those in the Rosaceae family. Forbs included fringed sagewort (Artemisia frigida), wild geraniums (Geranium spp.), and cinquefoil, (Potentilla spp.), while dominant grasses and sedges included Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoenis), elk sedge (Carex geyeri), and prairie grass (Koeleria macrantha) (Howard 2003). Soil located at RRS is usually coarse and deep (50-100 cm) on hillsides and ridges. However, a high water table results in soil that is thick, dark, and fine. The soil pH can range from 7.2 (above 10 cm) to 6.4 (below 10 cm) (Williams and Waggener 2017, Wilkin et al. 2019). RRS soils are classified as moderately developed Alfisols and Entisols. These soils have low fertility, and low water-holding capacity. Generally, these types of soils are fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, and frigid. In 2012, the Arapaho fire occurred, with reported temperatures ranging from 200-500 C. This was determined based on black soil and white ash found at the soil surface. This also indicated the complete consumption of organic matter in some of these areas (Wilkins et al., 2019). Pre-fire, ponderosa pines covered approximately 80% of RRS (Seymour et al. 2017). However, only about 5% of ponderosas survived post-fire. As a result, the forested landscape was converted to a shrub and herbaceous dominated landscape. Restoration Experimental Design at RRS A block design was implemented in 2015 at RRS for restoration efforts. Four blocks were established. Each block was made up of 18 plots 50 m x 50 m in size, accumulating in a total of 72 plots. Every plot was exposed to different combinations of post-fire management treatments, which included three different pine introduction treatments, three different logging treatments, and two erosion treatments (Herget et al. 2018). These treatments were distributed randomly throughout each block. One plot in each block was left untreated, in order to serve as a control plot. Soil was also collected at three low-severity burned plots with living ponderosa pine trees and an intact duff layer. From the high-severity burned plots, the control plot from each of the four blocks was selected, which had no cutting, planting, or erosion treatment applied. This resulted in a total of 7 plots (3 Control and 4 Burned). Experimental Design Seedling Microcosms Ponderosa pine seeds (collected from the Laramie Mountains prior to the wildfire by the USDA Forest Service) were soaked in 70% ethanol for approximately 30 minutes, then rinsed five times with sterile water. Three ponderosa pine seeds were planted per microcosm in 40 grams of dry soil, which are contained in 50 ml Falcon tubes wrapped in aluminum foil in order to exclude light (Fig. 1). Seeds were planted in a total of 105 tubes (15 replicates per plot). The seeds were pushed down Figure 1. Freshly planted seedlings (picture using a clean glass rod. Tubes were placed in a growth chamber taken by Dr. van Diepen) and incubated at 42% relative humidity, and 364 ppm CO2, and maintained at 30% gravimetric soil moisture by watering with DI water twice a week (Fig. 2). A photoperiod of 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness was implemented, at 21 and 18 degrees Celsius, respectively. Tubes were monitored daily for emergence, and growth was measured after 2 months. Any seeds that emerged from the soil were pushed back down into the soil to ensure proper seeding. Figure 2. Watering setup (picture taken by Alexys McGuire) Seedlings began emerging on December 20, 2018, with the last recorded emergence occurring on May 28, 2019 (Fig. 3). After the end of the incubation period (~14 months), trees were harvested (Fig. 4). Samples were analyzed based on a seedling harvest protocol. First, any moss, algae, or fungi was identified and discarded. Next, the seedling and soil were removed from the falcon Figure 3. a Seedling emergence (picture taken by Dr. van Diepen). b Seedlings 3-7 weeks after planting (picture taken by Dr. van Diepen). tube and placed in an ethanol sterilized sieve bottom. An ethanol sterilized spatula was used to clean any remaining soil from the tube and separate the soil from the seedling roots in the sieve. The seedling was then placed in another container. The soil was homogenized, and subsamples of the soil were taken. Then, the seedling itself was measured and weighed. Measurements taken included stem length from the cotyledon scar (cm), stem diameter, (mm), stem length with the needle attachment (cm), and fresh and dry stem weight (g). These measurements were Figure 4. Harvesting setup (picture taken by Alexys McGuire) all recorded (Fig. 4). Data was analyzed, and the average and standard error of each plot were calculated. A one-way ANOVA was performed as statistical analysis to compare treatment averages. Due to the recent onset of COVID-19, three trees labeled C1-5, C1-14, and C1-15 were harvested three weeks later than they were originally intended to be harvested. Consequently, this data may skew the overall results. In addition, no mycorrhizal or soil nutrient measurements were done, which were originally planned for this project. RESULTS Stem Length Overall, the trees in the control sites (n = 15) were taller than trees in the burn sites (n = 21) based on the length of the stem with the needle attachment (Fig. 5a). Trees grown in the control site grew to an average length of 1.42 cm  0.17 cm, while trees grown in the burn site grew to an average length of 1.02 cm  0.07 cm. This is consistent with a previous pilot study testing trees from the same burn and control sites that grew for 7 months in pots in the greenhouse. Similarly, trees within the control site plots all grew more on average than trees within the burn site plots based on the length of the stem with the needle attachment (Fig. 5b). 1.8 A p-value = 0.02 1.6 1.4 1.2 B 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.42 1.019047619 0 Control Burn 2.5 AB 2 1.5 AB A AB B B 1 AB 0.5 0 C1 C2 C3 B1 B2 B3 B4 Figure 5. Comparison of stem length from the needle attachment between control and burn sites. a (top) Bar graph comparing average stem length from the needle attachment between control and burn sites. b (bottom) Bar graphs comparing average stem length from the needle attachment between plots in control and burn sites. Error bars represent 1 standard error. Control site n = 15 trees; Burn site n = 21 trees. Different letters above bars indicate significant differences between plots at  = 0.1 as determined by ANOVA. Trees in the control sites (n = 15) were also taller than trees in the burn sites (n = 21) based on the total height of the stem (measured from the cotyledon scar, Fig. 6a), though not significantly (p-value = 0.11). Trees grown in the control site grew to an average height of 3.17 cm  0.18 cm, while trees grown in the burn site grew to an average length of 2.76 cm  0.17 Length of Stem with Needle Stem Length (cm) Attachment (cm) cm. Similarly, trees within the control site plots grew more on average than trees within the burn site plots based on the length of the stem from the cotyledon scar, with the exception of Plots B3 and C3 (Fig. 6b). In this plot, B3 grew to a length of 3.32 cm  0.33 cm, while C3 grew to a length of 2.6 cm  0.18 cm. 4 p-value = 0.11 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 3.173333333 2.757619048 0 Control Burn 4.5 A 4 A AB 3.5 B 3 B B B 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 C1 C2 C3 B1 B2 B3 B4 Figure 6. Comparison of stem length from cotelydon scar between control and burn sites. a (top) Bar graph comparing average stem length from cotelydon scar between control and burn site. b (bottom) Bar graphs comparing average stem length from cotelydon scar between plots in control and burn sites. Error bars represent 1 standard error. Control site n = 15 trees; Burn site n = 21 trees. Different letters above bars indicate significant differences between plots at  = 0.1 as determined by ANOVA. Stem Length (cm) Length of Stem from Cotelydon Scar (cm) Interestingly, trees in the burn site (n = 21) grew slightly more on average than trees in the control site (n = 15) based on tree height after two months, but not significantly (p-value = 0.53) Fig. 7a). Trees in the burn site grew to an average height of 2.52 cm  0.11 cm, while trees in the control site grew to an average height of 2.50 cm  0.13 cm. In contrast, the average height of trees within both the burn and control site plots varied, with no one site growing more on average than the other (Fig. 7b), and thus there was no difference in growth yet after two months. 2.65 2.6 2.55 2.5 2.45 2.4 2.35 2.3 2.25 2.49333333 2.51904762 2.2 Control Burned Stem Height (cm) 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 C1 C2 C3 B1 B2 B3 B4 Figure 7. Comparison of stem length between control and burn site after two months incubations. a Bar graph comparing average stem length between control and burn site. b Bar graphs comparing average stem length between plots in control and burn sites. Error bars add 1 standard error. Control site n = 15 trees; Burned site n = 21 trees. Different letters above bars indicate significant differences between plots at  = 0.1 as determined by ANOVA. Stem Diameter Interestingly, trees in the burn site (n = 21) grew more on average than trees in the control site (n = 15) based on stem diameter, but this was not significant (p-value = 0.70, Fig. 8a). Trees grown in the burn site grew to an average diameter of 1.5 mm  0.16 mm, while trees in the control site grew to an average diameter of 1.42 mm  0.07 mm. Additionally, trees within the control site plots grew less on average than trees within the burn site plots based on stem diameter, with the exception of Plot 3 (Fig. 8b). In this plot, B3 grew to an average diameter of 1.93 mm  0.55 mm, while C3 grew to an average of 1.37 mm  0.11 mm. Stem Height (cm) 1.8 p-value = 0.70 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.419333333 1.497142857 0 Control Burn 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 C1 C2 C3 B1 B2 B3 B4 Figure 8. Comparison of stem width between control and burn sites. a Bar graph comparing average stem diameter between control and burn site. b Bar graphs comparing average stem diameter between plots in control and burn sites. Error bars added 1 standard error. Control site n = 15 trees; Burn site n = 21 trees. Different letters above bars indicate significant differences between plots at  = 0.1 as determined by ANOVA. Seedling Biomass It was observed that trees in the control site (n = 15) had a higher biomass based on fresh stem weight on average than trees in the burned site (n = 21) (Fig. 9a). Trees in the control site had an average weight of 0.52 g  0.03 g, while trees in the burn site had an average weight of Diameter of Stem (mm) Stem Diameter (mm) 0.38 g  0.02 g. Similarly, trees within the control site plots grew more on average than trees in the burn site plots (Fig. 9b). The same is true for dry stem weight. Trees in the control site had a higher dry stem weight on average than trees in the burn site. Trees within the control site plots had a higher dry stem weight on average than trees in the burn site plots as well. 0.6 A p-value = 0.0004 0.5 B 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.524 0.383809524 0 Control Burn 0.7 0.6 AB AB AB 0.5 AB AB AB 0.4 B 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 C1 C2 C3 B1 B2 B3 B4 Figure 9. Comparison of seedling biomass between control and burn sites. a Bar graph comparing average fresh stem weight between control and burn site. b Bar graphs comparing average fresh stem weight between plots in control and burn sites. Error bars added 1 standard error. Control site n = 15 trees; Burn site n = 21 trees. Different letters above bars indicate significant differences between plots at  = 0.1 as determined by ANOVA. DISCUSSION Overall, the results were consistent with our hypotheses. Trees grown in soil from the control site seemed to grow more and exhibit a higher seedling biomass than trees in the burn Stem Weight (g) Stem Weight (g) site, both on average and within the different plots. This is consistent with previous studies, where it was found that conifers grown in burned soil grew at a lesser density compared to conifers that grew in unburned soil (Chambers et al., 2016). There was very little variability between the control and burn sites, as well as within the different plots. This finding of lower growth of seedlings in burned plots could be due to the alteration of physical and chemical properties in the soil. For example, when a fire burns through a forest, it burns the top organic layer which contain nutrients like N and P. As a result, N is converted to NH4+ and NO3- and P is converted to orthophosphate. Initially, this is beneficial to conifer regeneration. However, the soil used in this experiment was collected approximately five years after the fire took place, so these initial advantages were lost. As a result, the soil was not as nutrient rich as it would be pre- wildfire. Additionally, these results could be due to a decreased amount of ECM in the soil. Wildfires kill beneficial taxa via heat-induced mortality. Fungi have a higher sensitivity to heat than bacteria and are easily lost during a wildfire as a result (Add reference here that you also included in the introduction on this topic). Because of this, ECM have a higher mortality rate than the rest of the microbial community and take longer to regenerate in the soil. As a result, ECM are not able to help conifers grow post-wildfire. And while some studies have shown that ECM can begin to regenerate post-wildfire after one growing season, no one knows how long it takes ECM to return to normal levels in the soil. It is possible that some different species of ECM could have regenerated post-wildfire. However, based on the growth patterns of trees in the control and burn sites, it stands to reason that these ECM did not confer the same benefits as the original species did. It is important to note that, due to COVID-19, the labs were shut down and I was not able to gather any results based on ECM regeneration, so all of this is simply speculation based on previous studies. The similar heights of trees within the burn and control sites after two months was unexpected. I thought that trees in the burn sites would be significantly smaller. However, these results indicated that wildfires do not have as great an effect on pine regeneration in the early stages of growth. This could mean that ECM is only beneficial towards the later stages of growth. This could also be due to the fact that younger trees do not need as many nutrients or as much water as older trees. As a result, their growth is not as impaired. Interestingly, the biomass of plot B2 was significantly less than the biomass of the other plots in either the control or burn sites. This result is consistent with previous findings. Plot samples were taken from different locations varying in slope and aspect, so it makes sense that one plot could be different than the others. Plot B2 could have been more heavily affected by the wildfire than the other plots, and so ECM could be taking longer to regenerate than in the other plots. However, because I could not examine ECM in the lab, it is impossible to say for sure. Additionally, soil nutrients like N and P could be taking longer than normal to go back to regular levels in the soil. The larger stem diameter of trees in the burn sites was an unexpected result. Traditionally, stem diameter has been used as an indicator of seedling health. It has been used in the field to assess field survival and growth. Stem diameter can be used to indicate root system size and stem volume. Additionally, a height:diameter ratio is used as a way to measure seedling sturdiness (Haase, 2008). Therefore, it was surprising that trees grown in the burn site had a higher stem diameter on average. However, this higher overall average was due to an anomaly in Plot 3 (Fig. 6). The tree labeled B3-11 had a stem diameter of 4.67 mm, much higher than the diameters of any other stems in both the control and burn sites. The standard error of the B3 plot was also much greater than the other plots, which suggests greater variability among the trees within this plot. This anomaly could be due to operator error or could be a typo in the results. However, with the exception of Plot 3, all of the trees within the burn site plots had a smaller stem diameter on average than trees in the control site plots and were fairly consistent. Eventually, I hope to return to the lab to measure both ECM and soil nutrient content in order to determine if these factors really did play a role in inhibiting conifer regeneration. If future research proves that ECM and soil nutrient content really did impact conifer regeneration, then we can use this information to help aid in conifer growth after wildfires. For example, soil in burned areas could be inoculated with soil from non-burned areas. Seedlings grown in labs with sufficient levels of ECM, nitrogen, and phosphorous can also be transplanted into burned plots. While it is hard for conifers to regenerate post-wildfire, this experiment looks into the long-term effects of wildfires on conifer growth and what could impact it. Using this information, long-term plans could be developed to help aid in conifer regeneration in forests post-wildfire. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Funding for this project was provided by The Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station and U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture McIntire-Stennis award. I would also like to thank Dr. van Diepen for being my mentor and giving me guidance throughout the course of this experiment, and Zachary Ahrndt and Elizabeth Traver for their help in the lab. REFERENCES Balestrini, Raffaella & Lumini, Erica & Borriello, Roberto & Bianciotto, Valeria., 2014. Plant- Soil Biota Interactions. 10.1016/B978-0-12-415955-6.00011-6. Certini, G., 2005. Effects of fire on properties of forest soils: A review. Oecologia. 143,1–10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-004-1788-8. Covington, W.W., DeBano, L.F., 1990. Effects of fire on pinyon-juniper soils. General Technical Report - US Department of Agriculure, Forest Service 191, 78–86. 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