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Trace element geochemistry of coal deposits in the Adaville and Frontier formations, Kemmerer coal field, Wyoming

Kehoe, K.S.
Gay, G.W.
Dewey, J.C.
OFR-2022-1 This report shares the results of trace element analyses from select coals and associated deposits in the Adaville and Frontier formations in the Kemmerer coal field of western Wyoming. More than 60 samples of coals, shales, partings, and other associated lithologies were collected and analyzed. To improve understanding of trace element distribution within coal deposits, sampling targeted exposures where a series of samples could be collected from discrete positions within a coal and its bounding beds. Samples were analyzed for trace elements that are commonly considered “critical” due to their integral role in many advanced and high-demand technologies. Results from this study indicate that the majority of samples contain concentrations of these elements at amounts comparable to global averages. Variations in concentrations appear to be closely linked with lithology changes and ash yield, agreeing with trends noted in other coal deposits.
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Research Projects
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Coal,Kemmerer coal field,critical minerals,Frontier Formation,Adaville Formation,rare earth elements,underclays,Wyoming
Kehoe, K.S., Gay, G.W., and Dewey, J.C., 2022, Trace element geochemistry of coal deposits in the Adaville and Frontier formations, Kemmerer coal field, Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File Report 2022-1, 20 p.
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