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Preliminary Surficial Geologic Map of the West Half of the Jackson Lake 30' x 60' Quadrangle, Teton County, Wyoming

Mauch, J. P.
Alexander, K. A.
Wittke, S. J.
The Jackson Lake 30’ x 60’ quadrangle is in Teton County, Wyoming, and spans the Teton Range, Jackson Hole, and the northern Gros Ventre, northwestern Wind River, and southwestern Absaroka ranges. This study mapped the surficial geology of the west half of the Jackson Lake quadrangle at 1:100,000 scale in an effort to better understand the region’s geologic hazards and Quaternary geology. Key project outcomes include: 1) Refined light detection and ranging (lidar), photogrammetric, and field-based mapping of landslides. 2) A comprehensive map of Bull Lake and Pinedale-age glacial deposits in and around Jackson Hole that synthesizes mapping and geochronology from previous studies. 3) Field and lidar mapping of the Teton fault and several other Quaternary faults that may pose seismic hazards. WSGS PubID: OFR-2021-3
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surficial geology,Range,Jackson Hole,Jackson Lake,landslides,quaternary faults,glacial till,glacial outwash,Teton fault,Gros Ventre Slide,Wyoming
Mauch, J.P., Alexander, K.A., and Wittke, S.J., 2021, Preliminary surficial geologic map of the west half of the Jackson Lake 30' x 60' quadrangle, Teton County, Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File Report 2021-3, 22 p., scale 1:100,000.
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