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Crystal Falls. Yellowstone National Park.

F. Jay Haynes,
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. That intensely interesting locality known as the National Park is situated in the northwest corner of Wyoming Territory, nine hundred miles west of St. Paul, on the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad. The Park is sixty-five by seventy-five miles in extent, and contains more wonders than any other locality in the world. In 1872 by Act of Congress it was set apart as a National resort and Pleasure Ground for the enjoyment of the people. Tourists from all parts of the world have visited the Park, and pronounce it to be the "Wonderland of America." A full set of Views illustrated every attractive feature in the Park. Post paid to any address by the publisher, and for sale by all first-class dealers in Views, and on all trains of the N. P. R. R. Descriptive catalogue free.
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Research Projects
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Photography,Stereoscopic,Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming
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