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Groundwater level recovery in the sandstones of the Lower Tertiary aquifer system of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming

Taboga, K.G.
Stafford, J.E.
Rodgers, J.R.
RI-78 This study uses groundwater data collected by the Bureau of Land Management to examine groundwater level responses in the Tertiary sandstone aquifers associated with coalbed natural gas production in the Powder River Basin. Wyoming. The type, magnitude and timing of water level responses are evaluated. Changes in groundwater levels are analyzed as they relate to the depth and vertical distance of monitored sandstone aquifers from CBM producing coal seams. The report also includes estimations of the duration of groundwater recovery in some affected sandstone aquifers. The appendix contains monitoring well and water level statistics as well as time series graphs for all monitoring sites.
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Wyoming State Geological Survey
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Coalbed methane,CBM,Powder River Basin,groundwater,de-watering,aquifer,well recovery,Wyoming
Taboga, K.G., Stafford, J.E., and Rodgers, J.R., 2022, Groundwater level recovery in the sandstones of the Lower Tertiary aquifer system of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Report of Investigations 78, 53 p.
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