Examination of Haines Jump in Microfluidic Experiments via Evolution Graphs and Interface Tracking
Aryana, Saman ; Sun, Jindi ; Li, Ziqiang
Aryana, Saman
Sun, Jindi
Li, Ziqiang
Image (tiff and png) and video (avi) files – evolution graphs transport network diagrams and high-speed videos
· “view-****-branch-**.png” screenshots of the interactive evolution graph viewer for the three experiments (38 images for 150mbar experiments, 40 images for 750 mbar experiments, and 37 images for 1500 mbar experiments), where each screenshot corresponds to an evolution branch.
· Three “network-****.tiff” and three “network-****.png” files, which contain transport network diagrams for all three experiments.
· Nine “exp-****-branch-**.avi” video files, which show nuclear branches and are automatically cropped from the high-speed recordings with knowledge of the spatiotemporal properties of the branches.
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University of Wyoming. Libraries
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Haines Jump,Evolution Graph,Transport Network,Displacement Front,Multiphase Flow,Permeable Media,Microfluidics