Local and Organic Food in Laramie: Analyzing Consumer Opinions
Gietz, Louisa
Gietz, Louisa
In the food industry there are a variety of terms used to market food to the consumer. This study seeks to discover what messages consumers are actually receiving and internalizing about these terms. This study will examine Laramie consumers' definitions of the terms "local" and "organic" in regards to grocery shopping. Fifty interviews were conducted at two grocery stores in town and through snowball sampling. Thirteen scripted questions were asked about shopping habits, motivation for shopping, and definitions of key terms to obtain a broad view of how Laramie consumers think. Interviews were coded to collect quantitative information on consumer shopping habits and opinions. A majority of consumers identify as shopping local or organic. Further analysis reveals motivations, foods frequently bought, and preference. The study will be a good resource for businesses trying to reach the Laramie consumer.
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