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Marketing Manhattan: United Nations Response to the September 11 Attacks

Hekkert, Katelyn
September 11, 2001 was one of the most tragic days in United States history. Nineteen men hijacked four US commercial airplanes, crashing into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a small town in Pennsylvania. At the World Trade in New York City, 2,753 people were killed and thousands more were injured (CNN, 2001). The United Nations, a global organization of 193 member states, aims to maintain international peace and security and protect human rights. After the attack, the United Nations released a series of resolutions, some of which were legally binding under Charter VII of the Security Council, to aid in the worldwide fight against terrorism. The UN Visitor Centre in New York has also established exhibits to promote international peace and cooperation between member states and citizens of the world. The goal of this project is to analyze the response of the United Nations to the attacks on September 11. The scope will include the terrorism resolutions that were released closely following the attacks and years after, as well as how the events of that day and other terrorist attacks are portrayed to visitors of the United Nations Headquarters and Visitor Centre in Manhattan. The research includes primary data form online databases and visit to the United Nations Visitor Centre as a part of the HP 3152: Marketing Manhattan course. It will analyze the diplomatic strategies used by members of the United Nations in writing the resolutions and the marketing strategies used throughout a visitor’s experience to the United Nations. The result will likely suggest that the United Nations focused on anti-terrorism efforts and recovery after the attacks to encourage the world to come together to fight terrorism.
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Research Projects
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marketing,terrorism,New York City,United Nations,human rights,global strategy,cooperation
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