University Honors House: Going Solar in 2016
McMorrow, Gabrielle V.
McMorrow, Gabrielle V.
A group of students in the ME 4460: Solar and Geothermal Engineering at the University of Wyoming were tasked with designing a solar heating system for a residential building in Laramie, WY in the fall 2015 semester (McMorrow et al. 2015). As a group project, the team was expected to work together to learn and implement the design process for designing a solar system. The deliverables for the project included a plan of steps to implement the project, a six-page report (with appendices), and a self-assessment. A team of four students were grouped, including Donald Kennedy, Aidan McDonald, Gabriela Volpato, and myself, Gabrielle McMorrow. Together, throughout the semester, we worked hard to design a solar heating system for the very first time.
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