New Crater Geyser, Norris Basin, Yellowstone Nat. Park, Wyo., The
THE NEW CRATER GEYSER, NORRIS BASIN, YELLOWSTONE NAT. PARK, WYO. Lying on the eastern edge of the Norris Basin close to two of its principal spouters, the Monarch and the Minute Man, the New Crater Geyser is a striking example of the fresh demonstrations of thermal activity liable to occur at any time in this vicinity. It first burst forth in 1878, its initial eruption, heralded by a commotion like an earthquake, pouring out a volume of water which flooded the ravine leading to the valley below. Since then it has settled to regular eruptions at intervals of about three minutes, but the water is never thrown to a height exceeding 25 ft. because its crater is partially covered by masses of rock which were rent asunder when the geyser first appeared. The surfaces of these freshly fractured rocks are now dark yellow in color, owing to the presence in them of salts of iron. (Elev. 7,500 ft. Lat. 45° N.; Long. 111° W.)
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Photography,Stereoscopic,Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming