Namasté Yoga and Massage Therapy
Snell, Jessica
Snell, Jessica
This study has focused on the necessary steps of research that would go into starting a business built around bringing yoga and massage therapy into the workplace. It has addressed the problem, my solution, the customer, the market, the competition, marketing and sales, a revenue model, cash flow projections, and the next steps. Namasté Yoga and Massage Therapy is a business to business service that offers employers an alternative wellness option for their employees. Stress is one of the most cited sources of complaint in the workplace, and can quickly lead to more serious health risks down the line. When a company begins offering an employee benefits program that brings in massage therapy and a regular yoga practice to the work place, employers are not only taking care of their employees' health, but they are instituting preventative measures that will lead to lower insurance costs and reductions in claims in the future. For employer and employee alike, benefits like these are substantial and could be expanded through this business.
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