Old Faithful Inn. Yellowstone National Park.
R.E. Steele,
R.E. Steele,
This rustic structure was built of tough logs cut from the forest above one thousand feet from where it…It is one of the most unique structures in the Park and conforms with its natural surroundings. It stands on a ridge running west from Old Faithful Geyser and from its balconies can be sen the greater part of Upper Geyser Basin. A powerful search light is attached to this building and when turned onto Old Faithful Geyser when "playing" at night it produces a vivid scene not soon to be forgotten. This Inn is looked upon with wonder and admired by every tourist to the park since its creation. It is truly as... of the park as its mobile old neighbor from which it...name. Genius and art have combined to bring forth at this unusual place a hotel home provided with all the conveniences and neccessities demanded by modern and exacting travellers. With a capacity exceeding three hundred people it provides a thoroughly satisfactory hotel where on ...It is the largest building of its kind in the world.
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Photography,Stereoscopic,Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming