Giant Geyser one of the largest in the world, Yellowstone Park, U.S.A.
The Giant, as the name indicates is one of the largest geysers in the world. This geyser is about a mile north of Old Faithful, is near Firehole River, and about 200 feet from the road. Its cone is ten feet high and the deposit surrounding it is 75 feet in diameter. The west side of the cone is broken almost from the top to the base; this space seems to be growing wider from year to year, owing, doubtless, to the eruptions, and now it permits one to look into the crater and see the bubbling, boiling water. Near the Giant is a small elevation from which steam is constantly escaping through a number of holes. This "Twin," as it is called, is undoubtedly connected with the Giant and takes from it some of its power. However, it seems that a sufficient amount of force is left, for before an eruption there is a great roaring and hissing, and then, in a mighty fury, as it were, the water shoots up to a height of from 200 to 250 feet and the display continues from one to two hours. As the water descends a low, sullen, rumbling sound comes from beneath the surface. The eruptions of this geyser occur about every six days. The Giant has quite an interesting history. It was not until 1887 that thiss eruptions took place in the daytime. Several years previous an unusually violent eruption caused the large fissure in the west side of the cone, which enables one to see into the boiling, seething interior of this veritable water volcano. Then in 1888 the Giant, along with several other geysers in the vicinity, took a vacation for about a year. Their work was turned over, as it were, to the Excelsior which, at that time, exceeded in size anything seen in the shape of geyser action either before or since; when in action doubling the volume of water in Firehole River.
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Photography,Stereoscopic,Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming