Opening the Season at Yellowstone-Bears in Front of Tower Fall Postal Station, Wyoming.
BEARS IN YELLOWSTONE PARK. With Yellowstone a sanctuary for wild life, one of its destinies is to become a school of wild life study. In addition to the wide variety of four-footed animals, there are also more than two hundred species of birds and the lakes and streams afford the finest trout fishing in the world. There has been no hunting of harmless animals in Yellowstone since 1894, and the presence, in normal abundance, of the bears and their calm at-homeness is one of nature's interesting spectacles. They are a never-failing source of delight to the tourist though often very annoying because of their habit of breaking into tents and buildings in search of food. There are two well-known species found in the Park, the grizzly and the black, with the latter the most numerous. The so-called cinnamon bear and the brown bear are the same species as the black, varying only in color. The grizzly, also called silvertip, is more common in Yellowstone Park than in any other part of the United States, though less numerous than the black bear. To know that wild bears if kindly treated are not only harmless but friendly, and that even grizzlies will not attack except in self-defense puts for many Park visitors a new light on the animal question. In every case of assault by bears where complete evidence has been obtainable, it has been found, after fullest investigation, that the bear could be exonerated. While the ice cream sign may have had nothing whatever to do with it, we can think of no better reason why these three bears--the big bear, the middle-sized bear and the little wee bear--should visit this Tower Fall Station store.
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Photography,Stereoscopic,Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming