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Preliminary Geologic Map of the Oil Mountain Quadrangle, Natrona County, Wyoming

Lichtner, D.T.
Krupnick, J.M.
The Oil Mountain quadrangle is at the intersection of Laramide structures, bridging the western margin of the Casper Arch and the southeastern margin of the Wind River Basin. The bedrock stratigraphy exposed in the quadrangle ranges from Upper Jurassic through early Eocene. Several of the geologic units are known oil and gas reservoirs or source rocks in the nearby Wind River and Powder River basins. These same units also may be local sources of groundwater or enriched in various mineral resources.
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Wyoming State Geological Survey
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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oil mountain,stratigraphy,Cretaceous,Morrison,Cloverly,Thermopolis,Muddy,Shell Creek,Mowry,Frontier,Sage Breaks,Cody,Mesaverde,Meeteetse,Lance,Fort Union,Wind River,Poison Spider field,Iron Creek field,Canal field,Wyoming
Lichtner, D.T., and Krupnick, J.M., 2022, Preliminary geologic map of the Oil Mountain quadrangle, Natrona County, Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File Report 2022-3, 34 p., scale 1:24,000.
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