Raw 16S amplicon reads used in the manuscript entitled: "The rhizosphere microbiome and host plant glucosinolates exhibit feedback cycles in Brassica rapa"
DeWolf, Ella Ide ; Brock, Marcus ; Weinig, Cynthia
DeWolf, Ella Ide
Brock, Marcus
Weinig, Cynthia
The rhizosphere microbiome influences many aspects of plant fitness, including production of secondary compounds and defense against insect herbivores. Plants also modulate the composition of the microbial community in the rhizosphere via secretion of root exudates. We tested both the effect of the rhizosphere microbiome on plant traits, and host plant effects on rhizosphere microbes using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of Brassica rapa that differ in production of glucosinolates (GLS), secondary metabolites that contribute to defense against insect herbivores. First, we investigated the effect of genetic variation in GLS production on the composition of the rhizosphere microbiome. Using a Bayesian Dirichlet-multinomial regression model (DMBVS), we identified both negative and positive associations between bacteria from 6 genera and the concentration of 5 GLS compounds produced in plant roots. Additionally, we tested the effects of microbial inoculation (an intact vs. disrupted soil microbiome) on GLS production and insect damage in these RILs. We found a significant microbial treatment × genotype interaction, in which total GLS was higher in the intact relative to the disrupted microbiome treatment in some RILs. However, despite differences in GLS production between microbial treatments, we observed no difference in insect damage between treatments. Together, these results provide evidence for a full feedback cycle of plant-microbe interactions mediated by GLS, i.e. GLS compounds produced by the host plant “feed-down” to influence rhizosphere microbial community and rhizosphere microbes “feed-up” to influence GLS production.
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16S rRNA,amplicon reads,rhizosphere,microbiome,glucosinolates,plant-soil feedback,insect