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Bunsen Peak, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

BUNSEN PEAK, YELLOWSTONE NAT. PARK, WYO. As we leave Mammoth Hot Springs and turn our faces southward toward the geyser basins, either in our own car or in one of the comfortable motor busses of the Yellowstone Park Transportation Co., the road winds in steep curves up the eastern side of Terrace Mountain and in a few moments we are looking from a dizzy height into the ravine of Glen Creek, while on the other side of it sheers up toward the clouds the vast, precipitous wall of Bunsen Peak (alt. 8,775 ft.). This peak was named in honor of the distinguished chemist and physicist, Robert W. Bunsen, author of the theory now generally accepted regarding the causes of geyser activity. If one desires he can make a 12-mile trip entirely around this mountain by an excellent auto road, commanding, on the other side of the peak, magnificent views of Gardiner River Canyon, which is second in magnitude only to the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. The majesty of Bunsen Peak, however, with the path of a mighty avalanche gashing its face, is well revealed in this view from the main road. The latter soon makes a turn to the right and passes between two great boulders of white ravertine which constitute what is appropriately called the Silver Gate. (View looking S. E. Elev. 7,000 ft. Lat. 45° N.; Long. 111° W.)
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