Gender differences in AMPK activation in the heart and white quadriceps muscle following exercise training in mice
Peterson, Matthew
Peterson, Matthew
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) mediates glucose uptake through expression of GLUT-4 on cell membranes and its use as a fuel, thus preventing injury and apoptosis. Mice were randomly assigned to be trained (T), sedentary and resting (SR), or sedentary and exercised to exhaustion (SE) immediately prior to sacrifice. Samples were taken from the heart and quadriceps. Males had higher activation of AMPK among all groups in the heart. TE groups had higher activation than SR and SE. SR groups had higher activation than SE groups. In quadriceps, the females showed higher AMPK activation in the TE and SE groups. Gender discrepancy between controls did not exist. TE and SE groups had higher activation than SR controls. The SR groups had higher activation in the heart than the SE group. This was not found in the quadriceps. Gentle handling of the SR group could induce a fright response, thus activating AMPK in that group. Our findings support prior studies showing a graded response to exercise. Discrepancy between genders was more substantial than graded training effects in the heart, but not the quadriceps. This study suggests the training effect is more dramatic in the males' heart and females' quadriceps.
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