Women in Composition
Ellbogen, Paige
Ellbogen, Paige
Women's success in music composition has been limited by societal perceptions that have labeled women as inferior to men physically, emotionally, and intellectually. These impressions have created barriers for women who wished to pursue education and gain music training. In the 20th century, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Nadia Boulanger, and Lili Boulanger were three women composers who, despite these limitations, received education and gained recognition for their musical talent. Now, in the 21st century, composers Libby Larson and Anne Guzzo note aspects of modern society that continue to limit young women composers. In order to reduce prejudice toward women, aspects of music education must change. We must reexamine how we portray women composers and musicians, reconsider requirements for the study of music composition, and offer regular examples of women in academic music roles as models for young children.
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